To all the freshmen, welcome to the BU community! We held a table at SPLASH earlier this week and it went really well! Thank you to everyone who helped make it such a success. We were excited to see all the new, eager faces and we definitely hope all of you will be attending Dance Marathon 11' in the spring. We received numerous contacts and emails from a lot of interested people so we have a feeling this year is going to be BIG! We'll email everyone who signed up in a couple of days so get ready to hear from us!
Until then, you guys still have a chance to sign up on our contact list by sending us an email to or come check us out at the Student Activities Expo on September 15, 2010 from 3-7PM. We'll be handing out our infamous condoms labeled with "I can do it for 18 hours" and also some free t-shirts!
Keep the emails coming!

Steph, Maggie, & Eric
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